Language Learning Tools

The goal of this software is to help students learn foreign languages with the use of the Internet.


Many students use the Internet to help them master a foreign language. I am a portuguese-speaking person who has been using the Web to help me learn and improve my skills with foreign languages like english, german, spanish and french. A typical foreign language student will use the Web to improve reading and, to a lesser degree, improve writing by comparing one's writing to texts existant on the Web. To help students with these tasks, I am developing LLTOOLS (Language Learning Tools), a set of 6 tools which will help reading and writing in a foreign language.


1 – Python > 1.5.2. It has been tested on Python 2.2 and Python 1.5.2.

2 – MySQL > 3.x


1 - Unzip

2 – Set the environment variable PYTHONPATH to the directory where you unzipped the tools

3 – Create a database on MySQL called lltools with two tables: languages and words. The DDL files ae stored on the db/ directory.

4 – Populate the database. Sorry, I cannot give you my copy of the words table. There are many free or quasi-free dictionaries on the Internet. You'll have to import it yourself into the database.

5 – edit the file stored on Lltools/Misc.

6 - Run the unit tests:

7 – Now, you can run the tools


1 – wordlist

Format: url

creates a word list from an url

2 - interlinear

Format: html-page language

creates an interlinear version of text

Tools in development

1 - wordbank

compiles a word bank

Format: wordlist language number-of-examples

2 - concordance

creates a concordance

Format: htmlpage-url language

3 - style helper

tests if style of text is ok

Format: htmlpage-url language (level=academic,literary-new,literary-archaic,news,usgeneric,ukgeneric,worldgeneric)

4 - difficult words highlighter

tests which words are less used (useful to highlight difficult words)

Format: htmlpage-url language (level=academic,literary-new,literary-archaic,news,usgeneric,ukgeneric,worldgeneric)

5 - wordlist highlighter

highlights words in text according to their pertainment and classification in wordlist

Format: htmlpage-url wordlist

Web Interface

Another goal of this project is to develop a web interface for some of these tools.

Visit for a demo of the Interlinear tool

Where do I get releases ?

Releases of Lltools are available from the project download page.

Todo List

Priorities are:

1 – make the web interface work fully.(will be version 0.1.0)

2 – develop common functionality for some tools in development (wordbank,style helper, highlighter) (will be version 0.2.0)

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